I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Kettle Moraine Middle School
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
The Student Senate would like to share some reminders this month about being smart, alert, strong, kind and brave while using social media and the internet.
It’s Cool to Be Kind (Read by Sofia Kliewer)
The internet is a remarkable communication tool. There are lots of inspiring and uplifting stories, but there are also a lot of hateful commentary and opinions. It is up to you and your family and friend groups to “take the high road” while learning and sharing. Work to support your friends and classmates while trying to defuse drama and cyberbullying. Parents and other trusted adults are a great resource that will help support you.
Attention 8th grade students! The last 8th grade Explorers' Club outing is to downtown Chicago and to the Blue Man Group. The trip is on Saturday, April 27th. We will leave the school at 9:00 that morning and proceed to downtown Chicago where we will spend a few hours exploring the area. We will then proceed to the Blue Man show. We will return to KMMS at approximately 10:00 that evening. Cost for the trip is $105 and you will need spending money for meals. Each group of no more than 3 students needs an adult chaperone to accompany them. You can get the forms from Mrs. Hoff, Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. Gehrke. This trip is on a first come first serve basis. Once the buses are full, no additional students will be able to go. If a bus is not full, we will not be able to take it. So get those forms in ASAP! Any questions, see Mrs. Hamilton.
The KMHS Varsity Dance Team Tryouts are coming up quickly! The Competition Season Team tryouts are April 6th from 10:00 am - 6:00 pm. Football Season Team tryouts will be May 4th from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm. This date is a change from previously so make sure to make adjustments to your schedule as needed. Below is the link to the tryout registration as well as get more information about how to prepare for tryouts!
Feel free to reach out to Coach Sarah with any questions! daviess@kmsd.edu
Registration is now open for the fall of 2024 Jr. Laser Football season. Register online at www.kettlemorainelaserfootball.com before April 7. Please be sure to sign up for the grade you will be entering in the fall of 2024.
Come join us for an evening of Jazz on Tuesday, March 19th! Jazz In The Kettle is our annual district jazz festival featuring KMMS 7th and 8th Grade Jazz as well as KMHS Jazz Ensembles I and II. This free concert starts at 7pm in the KMHS Auditorium. We hope to see you there!
Join the KM Music Parents Association for our March meeting on Monday, March 11th at 7:00pm via Zoom at this link. We'll be reviewing grant requests and the campaign for the High School auditorium renovations.
All parents/guardians of music students are welcome to participate. You can reach us at kmmpaboard@gmail.com.
Annie Jr. is looking for crew members for their upcoming show in April! Crew members are responsible for setting the stage, and helping with Lights and Sound. This includes microphones, props, set design, and even costumes! You will be needed at all rehearsals and shows in April. If you are interested in joining the Annie Jr. Stage Crew, please read the crew info document and fill out the following form. Spots on crew are limited so don't wait!
Crew Sign-Up form: https://forms.gle/j3mZsq5nzmUAbDgd9
Additional information: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11L2qI6XU07MjixiZmVgrr1vbfdU24x1OxKvXXIdoZr4/edit?usp=sharing
The Student Senate will sponsor another spirit week house competition starting on March 18th.
Monday 3/18 Wear green for St. Patrick's Day
Tuesday 3/19 Hawaiian day
Wednesday 3/20 Hat day
Thursday 3/21 Crazy Hair day
Friday 3/22 Favorite Disney character day.
In order to be sure that everyone is clear about the expectations for being counted, please wear your spirit gear when you walk into your first class. It is also required that you wear your spirit gear all day. House teachers will be asked to count and record the number of students participating each day. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place banners will be awarded to the 3 houses that have the highest percentage of students participating.
Please communicate with Mrs. Luna or Mrs. Hoffman at the front office desk before heading to the health room. If it’s after 9:45am, please use the Student Services door which is closest to the cafeteria and check in with Mrs. Rogers.
Our spring season for grades 6/7/8 begins April 8th. Practices will be held M,T,W 2:40-4pm. 6th graders are welcome to practice with the club for three weeks of the season in April to prepare, exercise and learn about track and field and participate in our first meet. A list of the meets will be distributed by the coaches. Registration is available online at https://kmsd.revtrak.net/rwcommunityeducation/
Deadline to sign up is March 22nd.
If you have any questions please see Coach Fritsch or Coach Page
KM Lacrosse is holding their annual Lax Blast Fundraiser on March 16th. It’s our largest fundraiser and benefits all lacrosse players youth through high school, both boys and girls. Last year was a record year enabling us to fund multiple items including new uniforms, player packs, gloves for all high school boys, and alternate helmets for varsity. In addition, funds raised go towards maintenance, goals, balls and other equipment, to name a few.
Join the fun! Meet other club parents and show your support so we can continue to benefit the boys and girls of KM Lacrosse now and in the future. Get your tickets now and/or consider becoming a sponsor: kmlacrosse.com/lax-blast
Grab your wayfarers, cuff your jeans, tease your hair, and pop your collar for our 80s Dance Party! Plan to dance the night away while raising money for a great cause! This event will also feature a fabulous silent auction and raffle, cash bar, Pudgies food truck for purchase, DJ and delicious desserts made by KMHS culinary art students. All proceeds support the Kettle Moraine Education Foundation (KMEF), which provides grants to teachers for educational classroom projects, and scholarships to students. Early bird tickets are $40 per person / $80 per couple until March 15. After that they will be $50 per person / $100 per couple. KM teacher and staff tickets are $25. https://www.classmunity.com/kmsd/view-fundraiser.php?fundraiser_id=2404. We also have sponsorship opportunities available and are looking for silent and live auction items. Please contact Jen Baumann (jen02jd@hotmail.com) or Heather Coufal (heathercoufal@aol.com) for more information.
Parent Meeting on Monday, May 6th from 6-7pm in the KMHS library. Practices are twice per week with league play on the weekends August-October.
Registration is online at Sign-up to play: https://kmsd.revtrak.net/rwcommunityeducation/
No refunds are given.
Stay up to date on KM Grade/Middle School changes:
Sunday, March 17th from 1:00 – 2:30pm
Kettle Moraine High School / West Gym
Led by Kettle Moraine Varsity Coach Richert, the KM Varsity Boys and Girls Basketball teams will host a skills and drills clinic for 3-8th grade boys and girls. This event will include fun games and drills for all-level players.
This is a fundraiser to support the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS), an organization devoted to funding critical research to treat and cure blood cancers. The KM Varsity teams are doing their part to support this cause – and all proceeds of this event will go directly to LLS Wisconsin.
Suggested donation amount is $25, which can be paid online click here. or at the event.
To sign up now for the Shoot for a Cure, click here
Our U14 team is still looking to add a few more players to their roster. If you know of any U14 aged girls (born 2009/2010) looking to play, please have them email kmfastpitch1@gmail.com or register HERE Tryouts are in July.
8th Grade families! KM offers five different high schools within the Kettle Moraine High School Campus. The time is fast approaching to decide which school YOU will attend in 9th grade! To get information about all of your options, visit the info nights for the different schools.
The National History Day team, where evidence matters, meets on Tuesdays after school in Room 603 until 4 pm. As usual, popcorn and hot chocolate will be served.
The KM Forensics Speech Team, where students speak with conviction, meets on Wednesdays after school in Room 603 until 4 pm. Popcorn and hot chocolate will be served.
Questions? Contact Mr. Kaldhusdal
Learning lab is on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 2:45 - 4:00 in the library. All students not going to the Learning lab must have rides arriving prior to 3pm. Only those students may wait in the vestibule just inside the front doors. All students without after-school activities on Thursdays and Fridays should be picked up by 3pm.
Sloppy Joe's
Golden Potato Triangles
Mini Carrots w/Ranch Dip
Diced Peaches
Assorted Milk
FEATURE STATION: Breakfast Bar includes Dutch Waffles, Egg Patties, Bacon, Hash Browns, Strawberries, Yogurt, Granola and OJ
Lacey B
Henry L
Callen M
Brynn S
Ms. Rychlak
Mrs. Staley
It’s a great day… to be a LASER!
349 N. Oak Crest Drive | Wales, WI 53183 | 262-968-6200