Hello KMMS Families,
Did you know that October is National Principal Month month? Today I’d like to give Mrs. Lloyd and Mr. Kitzerow a break from writing the Principal Post. I’d like to share with you some of the reasons that our KMMS Principals deserve a round of applause.
Laura Lloyd has been our building Associate Principal for more than thirteen years. Some of her first KM students are already close to 30 years old! Laura not only knows our community and culture well, she lives with KM’s mission, vision, and kindness in mind. She juggles a variety of tasks daily and weekly that would make most people’s heads spin. In addition to mentoring students, staff members, and teachers, she helps to ensure the safety and wellness of those in our building and district. Laura does all of this with the utmost grace and care. Working with Laura is like working with a tried and true coach who knows and truly cares for the community, players, and fans. She treats everyone with dignity and respect all with a growth mindset and focus on success.
As you probably know, Mr. Kitzerow joined our KMMS team last year. But did you know that he won the KM “Rookie of the Year” award this fall? Matt is a true people person who has exhibited the professional skills to lead our middle school effectively and compassionately. He is dependable and uses good judgment. Matt also takes the time to ask deep questions and to listen actively when interacting with others. Matt manages teaching and learning, as well as behavior expectations while effectively building relationships with staff members, students, parents, and those in the greater community. His work ethic is very strong. He keeps a running list of items and issues that have come to his attention and need to be handled. He works tirelessly to complete the high-priority items each day and week. Matt involves key stakeholders in communication, decision-making, and the work that is needed to accomplish each item.
Our school is so very fortunate to have such amazing leaders. If you see them or feel like sending them a note, please go ahead and encourage them as they continue to lead us.
Enjoy the weekend,
Maureen Hoffman
Administrative Assistant KMMS