KM Community Education provides recreational and educational opportunities for families. Please be sure to visit the website often for updates and new programs. For program information and registration forms, visit
Kettle Moraine Wrestling Club
All students in grades K-8 are invited to join the Kettle Moraine Wrestling Club.
Open Mat Nights: Open Mat Nights begin on September 6th. Open Mat will be held in the High School wrestling room every Wednesday from 6-7:30. All registered wrestlers are welcome to attend. We'll have a structured session available, but wrestlers are welcome to use the room for drilling, live wrestling or games as well. We encourage wrestlers to "bring a partner", but we will pair up wrestlers appropriately as needed.
Regular Season: The regular season for Middle School will begin on November 13th and the Youth season will begin on December 5th. The conclusion of the regular winter season will be on February 28th when we host our annual Youth Night. Post season will continue through the Wisconsin Youth State wrestling tournament at the end of March.
Middle School Practice: Practices for the Middle School wrestlers will take place Monday through Thursday at the Middle School, directly after the school day ends.
Youth Practice: Practices for K-5th grade are on Mondays and Wednesdays in the High School wrestling room. K-2nd practices from 5:15 to 6:00. 3rd-8th practices from 6:00 to 7:30.
For more details or to register, please visit
LYBA Basketball- Grades 1-8
Registration is open for the 23-24 Youth Recreational basketball season. All students in grades 1-8 are welcome. Season begins in December and concludes in February. Grades 3-8 will practice one night per week with Saturday morning games and will be followed by a season ending tournament.
Grades 1-2 will meet on Saturday mornings for 90 minutes with practice and game play. Our emphasis will be on knowledge and execution of basketball skills, rules, sportsmanship, fair play and attitude. Eight foot baskets will be used. Sign up today at
Deadline is next week! Coaches are needed!
Jr Laser Golf Team Tryouts
All boys and girls in grades 3-8 who reside in the Kettle Moraine School District are invited to tryout. Register in advance at
Tryouts are October 21 from 2-4 pm, October 22 from 12-2, or October 28 from 12-4 (attend only one date) Tryouts are held at Western Lakes Golf course.
Lacrosse Try It Clinic
Boys and girls in grades K-8 are invited Monday, October 30 from 7-8:30 pm at the KM High School Football field to learn the game, rules, and fundamentals of lacrosse. Register at